What Programming Language is Best For Machine Learning

  • Pro Desk
  • 14-Aug-2021
What Programming Language is Best For Machine Learning
Information Security

In the area of Computer Sciences, Artificial Intelligence is one of the most important sectors. As technology has surged, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning have continued to be adopted.

Machine learning is a branch of AI that involves studying mathematical algorithms, computing, and data sets for decision-making procedures without manual code writing. Machine learning also writes a code that makes a particular machine capable of making decisions according to pre-defined algorithms on the given datasets.

Best Programming Languages for Machine Learning

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After having a brief insight into machine learning, one should be aware of the programming languages considered the best for this aspect. A list of the best programming languages for machine learning is given below:


In today’s world of machine language, python is a well-known programming language. Developed by Guido van Rossum in 1991, this high-level language is a general-purpose and open-source programming language.

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Python, created by Guido van Rossum in 1991, is an open-source, high-level, general-purpose programming language. With its dynamic nature, this type of programming language is one of those programming languages that were the first to have machine learning’s support through a wide range of tools and libraries.


Back in history, C++ was a popular programming language. In today’s era, its popularity is still the same. Many platforms are relevant to machine learning, such as TensorFlow, which is designed to support C++. Mechanisms provided by the C++ API of TensorFlow are directed to build and run a data flow graph.

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Built by Anders Hejlsberg, the invention of the C# programming language took place at Microsoft. Launched in 2000, C# is known for its simplicity, flexibility, and modernity. This versatile programming language allows the developers to have a wide variety of options in application development.

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All kinds of applications such as mobile applications, website applications, and consoles are used for machine learning apps through a machine learning platform called .NET Core.


Invented at Sun Microsystems, Java, one of the most demanded programming languages. Java is really useful for machine learning. Keeping the same thing into consideration, there is a huge figure of 9 billion programmers specializing in Java until now.

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JavaScript is a web scripting programming language that has gained a lot of fame in technology. Playing an integral role in machine learning, JavaScript is supported by many frameworks and machine learning libraries.

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For statistical engineers and data scientists, R Language has a high demand. Several operating systems, including Windows, Linux, and OS X, are supported by R.

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While each programming language mentioned above has significance, several other popular ones are extremely effective for anyone who wants in-depth machine learning knowledge. These programming languages are Julia, Scala, Shell, GO, Ada, Lisp, and TypeScript.

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