Is Hiring Laravel Specialists

  • UK Only
Job Description:

About Us and About the Job

  • We're a small team, almost entirely technical.
  • We are active in developer communities, including our own at Part of this role is helping to answer support questions specific to Laravel running on Fly. Providing meaningful troubleshooting and diagnosis information in most posts.
  • Virtually all customer communication, documentation and blog posts are in writing. We are a global company, but most of our communication is in English. Clear writing in English is essential.
  • We are remote, with team members in Colorado, Quebec, Chicago, London, Mexico, Spain, Virginia, Brazil, and Utah. Most internal communication is also written, and often asynchronous. You'll want to be comfortable with not getting an immediate response for everything, but also know when you need to get an immediate response for something.
  • We are an unusually public team; you'd want to be comfortable working in open channels rather than secretively over in a dark corner.
  • This could be a great job for someone who loves Livewire, thinks it's the best thing ever, and wants other people to discover how awesome it gets when you are physically closer to your users.
  • We’re a real company – hopefully that goes without saying – and this is a real, according-to-Hoyle full-time job with health care for US employees, flexible vacation time, hardware/phone allowances, the standard stuff. The senior level compensation for this role is $160k-$200k USD plus equity. We are also looking for some junior level members to join the team. So we'd like to hear from you too!

What You'll Do

Help create the initial "Run a Laravel App" Getting Started Guide. Don't worry, we have a technical writer that can help polish it up. We'll help answer questions about the side. Be a public presence in the Laravel community. This just means that you post about the cool things you're doing and engage with others in the community; in particular, it means being helpful to Laravel developers everywhere, regardless of where they deploy their applications. Create a sample Livewire app that demonstrates how to take advantage of what the platform provides. You won't be alone on this either, we can help you with ideas and platform features. We need someone who can handle the Laravel side. Help guide other Laravel developers as they come the platform. That may include engaging in the forums where people have Laravel or Livewire specific questions. For platform questions, you won't be able to answer those right away and that's expected, we have platform focused people who handle that. We need help with the easy "Oh, you just need to configure X!" stuff that we don't know for Laravel.

You Might Enjoy This Job if You

  • Enjoy using Laravel Livewire and want more people to see the benefits you see. You enjoy sharing and showing others.
  • Want more people to understand Livewire and start using it.
  • Have good instincts for balancing competing customer demands.
  • Are comfortable with software development. Our customers are developers, so knowing how to build apps is important. Bonus points if you are familiar with how to make it run on
  • Have general knowledge about deploying and supporting Laravel apps in production.
  • Like some structure, but are comfortable with not having a standard playbook for most things. You also like putting some structure in place where there isn't any, and are open to trying new things if something isn't working.

You'll Know You're Succeeding in This Job If

  • Other Laravel developers can follow your guides to successfully deploy their apps on
  • As you identify shortcomings, you update documentation or work with other team members to help improve Fly tooling to make deployment a smoother process.
  • Awareness of in the Laravel community is going up. People are talking about it without you starting the conversation.
  • You are influencing Laravel developer behavior.

How We Hire People

We are weird about hiring. We’re skeptical of resumes and we don’t trust interviews (we’re happy to talk, though). We respect career experience but we aren’t hypnotized by it, and we’re thrilled at the prospect of discovering new talent.

The premise of our hiring process is that we’re going to show you the kind of work we’re doing and then see if you enjoy actually doing it; “work-sample challenges”. Unlike a lot of places that assign “take-home problems”, our challenges are the backbone of our whole process; they’re not pre-screeners for an interview gauntlet.

For this role, we’re going to ask you to create a "recipe" and a sample project. We'll give you the problem to solve and provide the recipe format to use. A recipe is a simple "problem and solution" format for writing a blog post. A companion Laravel project is created to demonstrate the solution.

If you're interested, mail You can tell us a bit about yourself, if you like. Please also include a short description of the Laravel feature that you think a Rails or Elixir developer would find most surprising.

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