What is the MERN Stack?

  • Pro Desk
  • 20-Aug-2021
What is the MERN Stack?
MERN Stack

MERN is named on the basis of four key technologies. Each of them is a part of the stack. They are defined as MongoDB, Express, React, Node (MERN).

Four Key Technologies of MERN Stack

1.MongoDB (.js)

MongoDB is defined as a document database. It comes with many features, which primarily include flexibility and scalability. For the purpose of storing the documents, it offers the advantage of being extremely flexible by allowing the fields to differ with respect to each document. Besides, with the passage of time, the user is allowed to change the data structure.

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2.Express (.js)

Designed to provide a wide variety of features for mobile and website applications for Node.js, Express is known to be a flexible and useful mobile and web app framework. With the provision of its features, you are capable of making an API easily and quickly. In addition to that, most of the well-known frameworks are designed and based on the use of Express.

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3.React (.js)

React is designed as a JavaScript Library, which is open source. This is effective in developing user interfaces as well as UI components. It works as a base to build mobile-based apps and application which consists of a single page. Other than that, there is a wide variety of its uses ranging from the development of UI components to managing the view layer of mobile apps.

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4.Node (.js)

It is defined as a platform that is developed on the JavaScript runtime of Chrome. It has proven to be easy to work with while building various applications which are not only scalable but fast too. The primary reason behind the efficiency of Node is the usage of the I/O model, which is non-blocking and event-driven.

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The Working Procedure of MERN Stack

With the use of JSON and JavaScript, the architecture of MERN Stack is mainly used for the development of the architecture, which is 3-tier. It involves frontend, backend, and database.

1. Front End (React.js)

React.js is the top tier of MERN Stack. It is primarily used in building applications that are client-side and dynamic. All the process takes place in HTML.

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2. Server tier (Express.js and Node.js)

The next tier is a server-side framework which is known as Express.js. It is operated inside of Node.js. Express.js comes with features that include robust models. These models are used for the management of requests based on HTTP and the process of URL routing.

In order to drive power to your apps, you're required to create either GETs, POSTs, or XHRs (XML HTTP Requests), which will further direct you to the functions of Express.js.

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Furthermore, the drivers of MongoDB's Node.js are used by the functions of Express.js through the use of Promises. This procedure takes place for accessing and updating data stored in the database of MongoDB.

3. Database Tier (MongoDB.js)

For the application to have the user's data stored, there is a need for the database, which ought to work smoothly when worked with React, Express, and Nose.

For this purpose, MongoDB is the most compatible. Any JSON document which is built in the frontend (React.js) is delivered to the server tier (Express.js). After going through processing, it is saved in the MongoDB database for later use.

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