What is the Front-End and Back-End in Software Development?

  • Pro Desk
  • 22-Jul-2021
What is the Front-End and Back-End in Software Development?
Back End

Front-End and Back-End development refer to different types of layering in software engineering. This means a presentation layer, i.e., which is visible to users, also known as the Front-End layer. This is especially true for a client-server model. Conversely, the Back-End layer is also known as the data access layer. This is essentially the hardware or the infrastructure of the software.

Front-End Development

The Front-End layer is a product of a combination of technologies. These include Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), JavaScript, and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). By using these technologies, Front-End developers design the user experience elements on the web page. This includes buttons, menus, pages, links, graphics, and much more.

In this front layer, Hypertext Markup Language acts as the core to the website. This is because it provides an overall design and functionality. On the other hand, the Cascading style sheets give developers a flexible, precise way to create attractive, interactive website designs.

Consequently, JavaScript works as an event-based language to creating dynamic elements on static HTML web pages. Thus, allowing developers to make use of elements separate from the main HTML page.

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A few Front-end frameworks enable developers to keep up with the growing demand for enterprise software without sacrificing quality. These include Angular, Ember, Backbone, and React. These frameworks are slowly making their place in the industry as standard development tools.

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Front- End development can be a challenging job. This is because it requires a rapid pace of change in the tools, techniques, and technologies used to create the user experience for applications and websites. Although, the task in itself seems simplistic, i.e., create a straightforward, easy-to-follow user interface.

However, the execution can be a whole other ordeal altogether. This is primarily due to the plethora of different mobile device and computer screen resolutions and sizes. Additionally, developers have to balance their user interfaces due to various screen sizes and network connections.

Back-End Development

Also known as the server-side, the Back-End layer consists of a few elements. These elements include the server, which provides data on request, the application, which channels it, and the database, which organizes the information. The primary concern of Back-End development is the creation of applications.

These applications are designed so that data can be easily found and delivered to the Front-End. To do so, many developers make use of standardized and reliable enterprise-level databases. These include Oracle, Teradata, Microsoft SQL Server, IBM DB2, EnterpriseDB, and SAP Sybase ASE. Additionally, other popular databases include MySQL, NoSQL, and PostgreSQL.

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On the other hand, there are frameworks and languages used to code the application. These frameworks include Ruby on Rails, Java, C++/C/C#, Python, and PHP. An alternative to these frameworks has been getting popular in the market for the last several years. This is known as the Backend-as-a-Service (BaaS). This alternative is beneficial when developing mobile apps and working within a tight schedule.

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